Business security cameras can stop you going broke. That's because they can dramatically reduce the amount of your profit margin that walks out the door in a thief's pocket.
If you already know you need them but are wondering, "What are the best security cameras for my business in Auckland in 2024?" click here.
WAREHOUSE? Read here for helpful info for your warehouse CCTV installation Auckland wide.
FACTORY? Factory CCTV Installation Services in Auckland.
If you're looking for inspiration have a quick read here about what some businesses are doing with their CCTV camera security system. Some of it might surprise you!
Or read here about our top 10 commercial security cameras installations in Auckland over the years. Some unusual ones on this list for sure.
Of course they're only any good if they're working! Click here if your CCTV Is Not Working Properly.
Want a bit more reassurance? Read more about what we do best - security camera installation in Auckland.
Finally if you want your security cameras to keep working properly 24/7 you need CCTV monitoring so read here about our new system.
Business is a game of margins, not a game of volume ... as these clients of ours well know.
You can read some of our industrial security case studies here.
Now, that might seem like a bold claim, but listen to this from the Retail Institute:
"The collapse of many small businesses in New Zealand could be contributed to their inability to identify shrinkage."
The vast majority of 'shrinkage' is of course due to shoplifting and staff theft.
The Retail Institute goes on to say this about security solutions like security cameras:
"Proved to cut external theft rates by up to 80 per cent..."
Even if you've already decided to get them installed, it's still a good idea to look down this list, because you might realize another use for them, and get an even bigger return on your investment.
1. Increase net profits
2. Stay in business
3. Preserve the value of my business
4. Reduce shoplifting
5. Reduce staff theft
6. Discourage break-ins
7. Protect my staff
8. Make my staff feel better
9. Protect staff property
10. Keep an eye on my staff
11. Lift staff productivity
12. Staff training
13. Analyse my business
14. Watch the shop if I’m away
15. Monitor remote shops or sites
16. For my own safety
17. Reduce insurance premiums
18. Save money on alarm monitoring
19. Prevent vandalism of exterior
If you'd like to work out how much theft might be costing your business, check out this eye opening shop theft calculator, and the other thought provoking info on the page.
This page explains the image quality standards for cctv.
An Art Supplies retailer fitted our cameras because they'd caught shoplifters in the past. They were pretty convinced it was an ongoing problem.
About 2 weeks after their installation I dropped by and they told me they'd already caught someone stealing!
It turned out one of the owners was out the back and she just happened to glance up at the monitor we'd installed on the wall of the office. There he was, a thief, stuffing his pockets full of expensive paint tubes.
She raced out the front, and let him know he'd been sprung. He returned the paints and took off.
A Takapuna business with expensive electronic equipment was broken into recently and burgled. Sure the alarms went off but ... you guessed it ... they still got their booty and got away.
Or did they?
The security camera over the entrance door got a lovely, detailed image of their faces. Still photos were given to the Police and ... again you'll never believe this ... they were known to the authorities!
Arrest and conviction!
Another triumph for the unpaid sentries who never sleep!
An equipment hire company suspected one of their staff was stealing, but they weren't quite sure how it was being done.
Even though the staff all knew about the security cameras, this thief continued to steal as before! No brains.
Anyway ... within a very short time the owners had video evidence of exactly how this guy was ripping them off. He was dismissed, reported to the Police, charged and convicted.
Lots of Auckland business owners are loving being able to 'dial in' and view their business security cameras from anywhere over the internet.
Sometimes they use their computer at home or their laptop while they're out of town.
Even more exciting for some people is seeing their business on their smart phone.
There are so many uses for this capability, but above all it can bring a bit of peace of mind while you're not there.
Imagine if you were that pharmacist in Auckland in 2010, who had to confront an intruder in the middle of the night.
You've been woken up by the call from your Alarm Monitoring Company. Instead of going straight there, you check the recorded video from your home computer, looking around the time the alarm went off.
If someone broke in, as in this tragic case, you'd see them large as life. You'd dial 111 without even thinking wouldn't you? I would.
No way would you knowingly put yourself in the way of a desperate criminal.
Remote security camera viewing has lots of uses. One day it might even save your life.
One of the security camera software systems we've installed over the years in some businesses is the Digifort system from Brazil of all places!
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Auckland Security Cameras Ltd
PO Box 32293 Devonport
Auckland 0744
Phone (09) 551 7716
Since 2010 - Based in Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland , New Zealand. Quality installation of security cameras Auckland wide, including the North Shore, Waitakere, Manukau, Takapuna, Glenfield, East Coast Bays, Beachaven, Birkdale, Birkenhead, Albany, Northcote, Devonport, Auckland Central, East Auckland, Pakuranga, Howick, Botany, Glendowie, St Heliers, Newmarket, Mt Eden, Epsom, Ponsonby, Grey Lynn, Remuera, Mt Albert, Mt Roskill, Onehunga, Henderson, Te Atatu, West Harbour, Mangere, Otahuhu, Papatoetoe, Otara, Airport Oaks, Penrose.